Interest rates continue to rise rapidly. If your clients are holding cash and not ready to commit it to the market, they can park it for a while.
Fixed Multi Year Guarantee Annuity rates available today:
3 years- 3.90% with an A rated carrier
5 years- 4.25% with an A+ rated carrier
For those who want to park their money somewhere safe to protect their downside and have upside potential when the market rebounds, consider an indexed annuity. As the market is falling, carriers are increasing their participation and cap rates. This allows your client to protect their money from any losses and participate in some of the earnings when the market goes back up.
Bonds in a rising interest rate environment
Many are turning to fixed and indexed annuities to reduce the bond exposure in a portfolio as interest rates rise. Below are links for advisor & client-orientated insight to this strategy.
The Fixed Income Dilemma (Advisor)
Fixed Indexed Annuities – An Alternative Income Solution (Client)
What to do in Scary Times
We’ve had plenty of ‘scary times’ before. Thanks to Dan Sullivan (Strategic Coach®) there is a manual to help you & your clients “transform that fear into strategic growth, progress, and achievement”. When times are Scary, it is important to focus on:
1. Others 2. Your relationships 3. Creating value 4. Your opportunities 5. Your progres | 6. Today 7. Who you can be 8. Your responses 9. What’s available 10. Your gratitude |
Download your Scary Times Success Manual